Dual Shock was a great opportunity to design alternate takes on established franchises and IP. Creating hi-fidelity versions of video game characters based on their lo-fi roots was a wonderful chance to show various Playstation partners the deep brand experience that could be crafted and built upon with their iconic properties.
Lara Croft
Perhaps the high point of this project was getting a chance design a new take on classic Lara Croft. I designed this low poly, but still appealing, and hi-def version of a 90's character. I also developed the shading and textured look of Lara.
Crash Bandicoot
Crash was another opportunity to design a HD version of a low poly character from the audience's childhood. The goal was to keep as much personality and nostalgia from those original Crash Bandicoot games, but also make something that wouldn't be distracting to watch every week.
Pitch Vis
This is a proof of concept to show how a budget production could integrate 2D characters with 3D video game characters. Because of the limited nature of the 2D animation provided, I had to tailor the 3D animation to a limited frame rate and make that a feature of the style.
Medusa - Character Look Development
These are examples of look development and surfacing. I was responsible for texturing, lighting and look development. Both models were created by other artists.
Designing the look and shading of a character is often challenging while trying to balance the toy-like nature of animation and realism. A rewarding challenge of this design was trying to make snakes appear as snakes but not be frightening.
Like Medusa, the Minotaur was developed on a accelerated timeline to meet an executive review deadline. That meant we needed to convey a character covered in fur, without using any actual 3D fur.